Over the Counter Acne Treatment for Clear, Blemish-Free Skin

Those who have to deal with acne regularly are fortunate to have an abundance of over the counter acne treatment available in the market. Before, chronic cases of acne had to be treated by a dermatologist, who will prescribe oral and topical medications which are pretty costly. Now, a majority of skin care brands are coming up with the latest acne treatment which consumers can buy from their friendly neighborhood drugstore at a fraction of a dermatologist’s cost.

The trouble is, with hundreds of products available, it can be very confusing to choose the best over the counter acne treatment that is perfect for your skin. Keeping the skin beautiful and blemish-free is a serious business, that’s why it is important to buy the products that will work on your skin. It is not enough to rely on advertisements or recommendations from other people; most of the time, it is a matter of trial and error before you get to the right cleanser or topical cream that will maintain the health of your skin.

To help you choose the right kind of over the counter acne treatment, take note of the following:

Benzoyl peroxide is the most common over the counter medication available for acne prone skin. It is also one of the most effective, ranging from almost all skin types. It works well, especially on oily skin. It contains no side effects, and you only need a very small amount to make a pimple go away; all you need is a 5% solution. Its effectiveness can be compared to other more pricey acne antibiotics.

Salicylic acid is another very effective ingredient for eliminating acne. It is widely available as benzoyl peroxide and is safe to use for almost all skin types. Salicylic is used as astringent to remove dull, dead skin cells, giving you a cleaner, brighter complexion. It unclogs the pores and making it less prone to infection. It helps loosen the sebum trapped in the skin, which results in healthier pores and better-looking skin.

Sulfur is also great over the counter acne treatment. One of the oldest acne treatments ever, it produces a drying reaction on the skin, making it less oily. It dries out the sebum and produces a peeling effect. Sulfur is not for everyone; other people might get the irritated skin of the ingredient’s intense drying effect. Those who have less sensitive skin will do well with sulfur. Many of the soaps and cleansers in the market contain sulfur. It is very effective in removing blackheads and whiteheads. However, people with inflamed cystic acne should not use products with sulfur; it might irritate the skin further.

Another over the counter product is Resorcinol. Aside from acne, it is also used to treat other types of skin condition. It makes skin softer and grow faster. It is a very strong chemical and should not be used without consulting a dermatologist. This chemical is usually recommended for the treatment of dandruff and eczema. For serious skin problems, doctors recommend resorcinol with other cleansers and astringents.


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