Learn about Acne Complexion Treatments

Acne commonly appears on body areas like the back, neck, and face. Although acne is normal, it can be annoying and often it is a nuisance.

The good thing about acne is that it can be prevented. Acne prevention can be attained by using facial astringents to cleanse out the dirt and remove the excess oil, by softly rinsing your face at least twice a day. Another acne prevention strategy is avoiding heavy cosmetics like the foundation makeup; use powder instead, to lessen the irritation of the skin.

Acne complexion treatments work by lessening the oil production of the skin. With the most prescription for acne complexion treatments, there’s a possibility that you may not notice the effect for four to eight weeks, and your skin could get shoddier before it gets better.

The skin health professional or dermatologist may suggest a prescription medication that you should apply to your skin, this is known as the topical medication, and the other option is the take by mouth or oral medication. Take note, that although it is the doctor who prescribed the medicines, Oral prescription medications for acne complexion treatment should not be taken all throughout the pregnancy duration.

Some types of acne complexion treatments include:

*       Antibiotics. This applies for moderate to severe acne conditions. Prescriptive oral antibiotics are essential, to fight inflammation and shrink the bacteria. And also, there may be a need to take on with these antibiotics for weeks and months, and in some cases, you may also need to take it in tandem with topical products, for more effective results.

*       Oral contraceptives. Oral contraceptives have been revealed to enhance acne problem in women. On the other hand, oral contraceptives may cause some negative side effects that you’ll want to talk about with your skin care doctor.

*       Topical treatments. Acne creams and lotions may kill bacteria, dry up the excess oil, and encourage the sloughing of dead skin cells. Over-the-counter topical products like creams and lotions are usually gentle and contain salicylic acid, sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, and resorcinol as their active ingredient. These products are proven to be helpful for the very mild case of acne. If your acne doesn’t react to this remedy, you can check again with your doctor or dermatologist.  Adapalene and Tretinoin are the prototypes of topical prescription products that have originated from vitamin A. Their job is to promote cell turnover and prevent plugging of the hair follicles. Various types of topical antibiotics also are offered. They work by exterminating the extra skin bacteria that are present.

*       Laser and light therapy. Laser and light therapies can go deeper to reach the inner layers of skin without the risk of harming the skin’s surface area. Laser treatment is believed to cause damage to the oil (sebaceous) glands, in effect; it produces a lesser amount of oil.  Light therapy attacks the bacterium that sets off acne inflammation. The said therapies can also enhance skin texture and reduce the appearance of scars. Given this, the therapies may be a fine acne complexion treatment preference for people with active acne as well as acne scars.

*       Cosmetic procedures. Chemical peels and microdermabrasion can be helpful in managing acne. This procedure will do well when utilizing in combination with other acne treatments.


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